Third Everglow Fan Art By Infvex
Everglow Web released
Everglow Lost Days OST released
Everglow v1.3 "Definitive Edition" released
Comics moved to the author page
“The Quest” and “Sonata for an untuned cello” were moved to the author page (defunct)
"The quest" translated to Russian
Sonata pages 11-16 released
Second Everglow Fan Art By Leshey
May the 4th be with you
- VK page discontinued.
- “Everglow: Lost Days” is in “cancelled” state until futher notice.
- “Sonata For An Untuned Cello” is in “cancelled” state until futher notice.
First Everglow Fan Art By Leshey
Vkontakte page established
7coreloops now have VK page.
First pages of Sonata available
“Sonata For An Untuned Cello” intro available for public.
February updates
Boosty and Patreon campaigns are discontinued.
Everglow: Lost Days sneak peak!
It’s already a little bit left before the new year and Christmas and we want to share a sneak peak on the project. So what will The Lost Days be like?
Consider supporting us!
We now have a Boosty (defunct) and Patreon (defunct) pages to do so.
Everglow updated to 1.1 aka "Very Small Planet"
November website updates
- Auto-dark theme enabled
- Mobile layout optimized
- About the Team section added
- Social links added to the footer (RSS and YouTube)
- Adjusted iframe width and sizes for desktops and mobile devices
Welcome to 7CoreLoops homepage!